The Ball in Hội An

After a very intense beginning to The Ball’s journey, we set-off to Hội An, in search of some rest and recuperation.

In actual fact, a day-off on the road with The Ball is never a day-off. Nevertheless, the team was able to recharge its batteries and also to catch up on things like writing the blog, sorting through more than a thousand images and videos, corresponding with partners across the world via email and zoom, catching up on other Spirit of Football business and concretely planning workshops, visits, accommodation as well as logistics in the next legs two countries Cambodia and Thailand. Hội An proved to be the perfect location for all of the above.

Highlights were the morning beach football sessions of the over 40’s local fishermen team and being hosted at the An Bang Beach Restaurant by its charming owner Dong. The restaurant is big on sustainability: all of the ingredients in the food are locally sourced and friendliness is at the core of the operation.

As we were racing to catch our ride to get to the train station in Da Nang, Dong signed The Ball and had this to say:

Don’t forget to smile everyday. Because if you do, someone will look at you smiling and they will smile too.

Following the link to learn more about Dong and his restaurant.

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