Saturday, 21st April 2018
The Ball visited “Kicken ohne Grenzen” (Kicking without limits/borders) in Vienna. In the afternoon everyone came together to kick for tolerance & diversity in society. The players consisted of members of non-profit associations and partners, such as Delta Cultura, who want to help reduce poverty through education, Pirati Ciclisti Antifacisti, as well as Football Fans Against Homophobia.
Kicken ohne Grenzen is a football project open to everyone, offering youngsters with a migrant background the opportunity to participate without charge in a training programme without achievement-oriented admission criteria. Young people from socially disadvantaged communities are exposed to the connecting force of football and hopefully can be more easily integrated into society, more precisely the school system and the working world.
So much social engagement merits respect and a jersey-exchange!
Jersey exchange number 3

Big and small stand for kicking without limits!
More photos on the Facebook page of Kicken ohne Grenzen:
Written by Franzi Schaper & Ulrike Enders on Saturday, April 21st, 2018
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