The Ball visited the Instituto Psicopedagógico Juana Leclerc in Honduras with our partner Special Olympics. Here are some images from the visit…

Instituto Psicopedagógico Juana Leclerc
¡Rumbo a Brasil!
The Ball visited the Instituto Psicopedagógico Juana Leclerc in Honduras with our partner Special Olympics. Here are some images from the visit…
¡Rumbo a Brasil!
Marc and Rosy present The Ball to 300 plus children from 3 schools in Santa Cruz, Honduras (in English), translation provided by the older children of the bilingual school San Mateo.
300 children & teachers from 3 schools in Santa Cruz,
Honduras learn about & sign The Ball
A dip into the past! Look at this #the_ball: While travelling through Central America, we found this picture from the very first football tournament in 2005. Do you recognize your soul mate from #NZ?
Was an Archiven so toll ist? Man findet so manche verschollene Dinge, wie diesen Schnappschuss aus dem Jahr 2005. Wir präsentieren das allererste SoF-Projekt in der #Thüringenhalle. Einer, auf dem Bild ist noch immer im Verein aktiv – Guess who?
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The Ball and the kids from the football project Futbol para la Vida which is fighting against violence and discrimination in Honduras: One Ball, One World…
The President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, heads and signs The Ball and pledges to support Olimpiadas Especiales Honduras and fight for peace in his nation by sending a replica of The Ball on a peace mission all over his country in the coming months. One Ball, One World.
Last week in Germany. The european leg of #the_ball journey was highlighted at Kicker Football magazine – Special Thx to Team Feldmann and Opel Germany.
Letzte Woche hatte Spirit Of Football ein Auswärtsspiel im Kicker Extraheft “Opel und Fußball” – Der Text erzählt über den europäischen Teil der Reise von #the_ball. Vielen Dank an Team Feldmann und Opel für die Unterstützung. One Ball : Two Adams
The Ball in Tegucigalpa’s Colonia Villa Neuve
Beneath the uniform is a man. One Ball, One World.
Spirit of Honduran Police Escort in Colonia Villa Nueva, Tegucigalpa