Ball’s eye view in Dogon Country Mali as it pays its respects to a recently passed tribal elder.
In 1986 a football team was founded on a little floating village in the south of Thailand called “Koh Panyee”. The kids loved to watch football but had to extraordinarily creative to find a place to play. They challenged the norm, formed a football club and have become a great inspiration.
The Ball continues to spread it’s message of participation, no boundaries, and unity and today they visit a Casablanca children’s dance group .
This isn’t one of our usual posts and hasn’t got anything to do with football… but perhaps it has something in common with our education concept “One Ball: One World”… just what are our children learning and why? Isn’t it time to re-think education?
Team USA Official World Cup song… funny stuff… great mullets! “Togetherness and unity means VICTORY for you and me.”
Freestyle Girl Aylin begeistert durch unglaubliche Tricks am Ball, eine sympathische Ausstrahlung und ihr attraktives Erscheinungsbild. Zuletzt beförderte Aylin im Rahmen einer umfassenden Initative von McDonald’s Abfall mit rasanten Freestyle-Tricks in den Mülleimer und unterstützte somit dieses Pr
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Der ganz große Traum … oder wie der Lehrer Konrad Koch den Fußball nach Deutschland brachte… The Great Big Dream… or how the teacher Konrad Koch brought football to Germany
The Ball heads south in Morocco to legendary Casablanca and meets some aspiring players at a local youth project…