12 hours of driving from Vilanova i la Geltru across Spain and we arrive in Grenada. One night’s sleep and up again to find Grenada rained out. Game cancelled.
In any case, the clock was ticking again and we had to hit the road. Alice lives in Bel Air, just outside of Malaga and had offered to put The Ball and its carriers up for a couple of nights. As Christian covered the miles I prepared for the BBC World Service interview slightly nervous about the thought of 300 million listeners. A sigh of relief, interview completed in Alice’s laundry room, it was time for some southern Spanish coastal cuisine and some brillant company. The water and the conversation flowed.
Thank you for your great hospitality!
Written by The Ball on Thursday, February 18th, 2010
Amazing guys… thanks for the great hospitality and the constant flow of cold water.