
EarthDiverse is a nonprofit charitable trust that provides accessible community-based diversity education across all disciplines: languages, religions, cultures, humanities, arts, human rights, health, sciences and environment. Our vision is two-fold: to provide learning opportunities that develop intercultural understanding, which in turn mitigates racism and grows social cohesion, and to offer restorative ecological skills and climate change knowledge that cultivates sustainable relationships between humans and the environment. By broadening community knowledge and strengthening critical thinking skills, we, as a society, can respond to the world’s challenges in a positive and transformative manner.

Nona Morris, Director of Education Programmes for EarthDiverse
Pepa Torre, Director of Publicity and Marketing, EarthDiverse
Todd Nachowitz, CEO of EarthDiverse

The Spirit of Football’s goals align exquisitely with the work of EarthDiverse. We place enormous value on increasing awareness and knowledge about climate change through this unique and inventive teaching platform: football and fair play. The grassroots approach of this project is exactly the kind of work we whole-heartedly support and promote. As a partner, we welcome the opportunity to reach hundreds of people with a combination of education and action that brings communities together, increases social unity and empathy, and takes action for climate change