Our 10-day tour through the different Learning Centres of the German football league is coming to an end.
We are guests of the VfB Stuttgart in the Mercedes Benz Arena and are organizing a workshop for the 4th form of the Neckarschule in Aldingen in cooperation with our partner, the VFB Learning Centre.
The primary school children are very bright, and asked about the subject of Europe, they surprise us with their cleverness, creativity and worldliness.
Spirit, as DFB-Integration-prizewinner of 2017, meets the integration ambassador Cacau, a former Brazilian-German football player, who showed his prowess from times, when he was a German national player, during the fairplay game with the kids.
During the finale of our tour of the Learning Centres we were visited by Stefan Kiefer, chairman of the DFL-Foundation, who had financially and otherwise supported this wonderful tour.
Lernort Stadion Tour
Written by Franzi Schaper & Ulrike Enders on Friday, April 20th, 2018
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