Spirit of Football and the German 3rd Bundesliga football club FC Rot Weiss Erfurt announce partnership with the motto: “Making friend is more important than scoring goals”.
Unter dem Motto: “Making friends is more important, than scoring goals.” ist der Verein Teil eines internationalen Netzwerks, welches seine Wurzeln in Brasilien und England hat. Weltbekannte große Clubs wie der FC Barcelona und der SC Corinthians Sao Paulo engagieren sich unter anderem für die sozia…
One Ball One World: Spirit of Football.
Estamos a caminho para mais uma edição do nosso workshop, dessa vez na sede social do Corinthians, para as crianças participantes do projeto social “Time do Povo”. Não vai faltar diversão! \o/
One Ball One World at Stotternheim Primary School in Germany earlier this week…
Ein Ball : Eine Welt @ Grundschule Stotternheim am 14. Mai…
Fernando Godoy, Director of Spirit of Football Brazil met up with Christian Wach and Phil Wake, Directors of Spirit of Football CIC in London. There was time for a quick photo with a replica of The Ball 2014.
Our friends at Senda have just released a film about their commitment to Fair Trade. Interesting stuff.
Spirit of Football is going to be taking over the entire Puschkinschule in Erfurt, Germany from 21-24 May for the One Ball One World workshop. Yesterday was the preparation workshop with all teachers of the school, as well as some parents and Spirit of Football’s students from the University of Erfurt.
Besprechung des 4 Tage Workshops an der Puschkinschule in Erfurt. Ein interessanter Abend für das Orga-Team, die LehrerInnen, ErzieherInnen und natürlich die StudentInnen die am Projekt teilnehmen!
Spirit of Football Germany’s sport picnic: Football, music, dancing, capoeira, loads of international people and a traditional Thuringian bratwurst or three. Spirit of Football is not just about football.
Cockpit Ball: The Ball 2010 en route from Abidjan to Accra.
Faltam 253 dias, 11 horas e 48 minutos para a nossa nova viagem começar!
Vamos juntos, uma bola, um mundo!
Our friend Caio Vilela has travelled the world capturing the spirit of football in capitals, suburban areas, post-card perfect places, peculiar unknown spots and remote regions.
“It doesn’t matter how many places I visit, people are the same everywhere” – Odysseas Elytis
Nada como uma boa pelada para alegrar a vida. Uma alegria que transborda das páginas deste livro. Percorrendo suas imagens me senti viajando pelo Brasil, em busca de um futuro camisa 10.
Corinthians and Spirit of Football: One Ball One World…
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