Thanks for these words Sheffield F.C.
Dear Nelson Mandela,
all of us at Sheffield FC are deeply saddened by the sounds of this morning and not being able to see you again. Your life was filled with purpose and hope and dreams, for yourself, for your nation and for the entire world. You have become an inspiration and a role model for what appeared to be impossible at the time.
You have changed life and the way people treat it, you taught us forgiveness and humanity crossing the burdens of hate and revenge.
It was one of the greatest moments in our club history, when were given your appreciation and the Nelson Mandela Sports & Solidarity Award for sending football boots to South Africa, which we also achieved through your support.
May your legacy be remembered forever and your soul set free to shine on us and future generations to come. Thank you, for all you have given and done, we will never forget you!
Sincerely Yours,
Sheffield FC – The World’s First Football Club
One Ball : One World at ONG Brasil
Como prometido, ai estão as imagens da ONG BRASIL 2013. \o/
Conseguimos levar e apresentar a mais pessoas o verdadeiro espírito do futebol e o que ele promove.
Confira a alegria que foi esse evento. ;)
“Only 50 years ago persons with intellectual disabilities were scorned, isolated and neglected. Today, they are able to attend school, become employed and assimilate into their local community.” – Nelson Mandela.
“Only 50 years ago persons with intellectual disabilities were scorned, isolated and neglected. Today, they are able to attend school, become employed and assimilate into their local community.” – Nelson Mandela.
Thank you, Mr. President. May you rest in a well deserved peace.
Spirit of Football Germany was running their One Ball, One World workshop at Borussia Dortmund last week. This is the spirit of celebrating a goal from the bench…
Dear Spirit of Football friends, The Ball 2014 is getting ready to travel from London to Brazil to help promote Special Olympics and other inspiring causes. Please donate and help us keep the legend of The Ball rolling!
The Ball travels from London to Brazil helping to promote Special Olympics and other inspiring causes. Help us keep the legend of The Ball rolling!
In Syrian refugee camps, football “provides a currency in which the exchanges of social interaction can be conducted”. #SpiritOfFootball
Jonathan Wilson: Fun with a ball is helping children at Zaatari, the second-largest refugee camp in the world, overcome the horrors of conflict
Spirit of Football e.V. is running SoF’s “One Ball : One World” workshop with its Ugandan partner Arts2Hearts and the Dortmund Fan Project from school to street to stadium in Dortmund this week. Here are some images…
Sport verbindet, dies gilt insbesondere für die weltweit beliebteste Sportart, dem Fußball. Im Rahmen von COMENGA im Aktionsraum Sport in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Partnerschaft mit Afrika e.V. sollen die zentralen Werte des Teamsports- Fairplay, Teamgeist, Respekt und Spaß – vom Spielfeld in deutsch-afrikanische Partnerschaften übertragen werden. Von Montag bis Freitag sind wir in Dortmunder Schulen zu Gast – mit dabei: afrikanische Kunst, Musik, Akrobatik und ein FairPlay-Ball aus Ghana, und jede Menge Spaß. Termine: Mo. 25.11. Hauptschule Westerfilde, Di. 26.11. Paul Ehrlich Berufskolleg, Mi. 27.11. Käthe Kollwitz Gymnasium, Do. 28.11. Stadtteilwerkstatt & Förderschule, Signal Iduna Park, Fr. 29.11. Adolf Schulte Förderschule. Fotos: Markus Wiefel
Spirit of Football in schools in Dortmund with Borussia Dortmund BvB Lernzentum:
Sport verbindet, dies gilt insbesondere für die weltweit beliebteste Sportart, dem Fußball. Im Rahmen von COMENGA im Aktionsraum Sport in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Partnerschaft mit Afrika e.V. sollen die zentralen Werte des Teamsports- Fairplay, Teamgeist, Respekt und Spaß – vom Spielfeld in deutsch-afrikanische Partnerschaften übertragen werden. Von Montag bis Freitag sind wir in Dortmunder Schulen zu Gast – mit dabei: afrikanische Kunst, Musik, Akrobatik und ein FairPlay-Ball aus Ghana, und jede Menge Spaß. Termine: Mo. 25.11. Hauptschule Westerfilde, Di. 26.11. Paul Ehrlich Berufskolleg, Mi. 27.11. Käthe Kollwitz Gymnasium, Do. 28.11. Stadtteilwerkstatt & Förderschule, Signal Iduna Park, Fr. 29.11. Adolf Schulte Förderschule. Fotos: Markus Wiefel
Spirit of Football Germany kicked-off the new project COMMENGA Unites Fans “One Ball : One Passion” today in Erfurt with their Ugandan partner Arts2Hearts. The project, that will see an Alive & Kicking ball visit fan projects, stadiums and schools in Erfurt, Dortmund & Bremen in the next weeks, is all about German-African partnership – team work, respect, fair play and FUN.
Sport verbindet, dies gilt insbesondere für die weltweit beliebteste Sportart, dem Fußball. Im Rahmen von COMENGA im Aktionsraum Sport in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Partnerschaft mit Afrika e.V. sollen die zentralen Werte des Teamsports- Fairplay, Teamgeist, Respekt und Spaß – vom Spielfeld in deutsch-afrikanische Partnerschaften übertragen werden. Von Montag bis Freitag sind wir in Erfurter Schulen zu Gast – mit dabei: afrikanische Kunst, Musik, Akrobatik und ein FairPlay-Ball aus Ghana, und jede Menge Spaß. Termine: Mo. 18.11. Johannesschule, Di. 19.11. Regenbogenschule & FANPROJEKT ERFURT, Mi. 20.11. Johannesschule, Do. 21.11. Astrid Lindgren Grundschule & Puschkinschule, Fr. 22.11. Friedrich-Schiller-Schule & Grundschule am Steigerwald. Fotos: Markus Wiefel
One Ball : One World
O ano já está acabando, chegamos em novembro!
Isso para nós do Spirit of Football é uma tremenda alegria, pois nossa viagem se aproxima. Vai durar 6 meses, saindo da Inglaterra até o Brasil a partir de 9 de janeiro de 2014. Vocês estarão com a gente nesta trajetória, assinando a The Ball e nos acompanhando nas nossas redes sociais!