One Ball. One World.

Global United F.C.
Schützt die Meere! Nächste Woche kicken unsere Global United FC Fußballer für den Klimaschutz! ( Diese Aktion ist ein „Like“ wert!
One Ball. One World.
Schützt die Meere! Nächste Woche kicken unsere Global United FC Fußballer für den Klimaschutz! ( Diese Aktion ist ein „Like“ wert!
About 3 years The Ball 2010 visited the L’Heure Joyeuse: Dancing Shantytowns project in Casablanca, Morocco and felt the spirit of football…
The Ball heads south in Morocco to legendary Casablanca. After a great session with the Urban Freestylers the Ball meets some aspiring players at a local Cas…
It is the spirit of the beautiful game that brings a grandfather and grandson to tears of joy:
Que el futbol no se siente? no se lleva en la sangre? si esto no es pasion? que lo es? Gooool de Malaga , ante nada menos ,el Real Madrid en la Rosaleda y pe…
The first ever Spirit of Football kids book: “One Ball One World” was illustrated by 4th year children at the Johannes School in Erfurt, Germany. Here are the kids with their copies of the book.
Celebrating the spirit of innovative corner kick taking in Kazakhstan…
ujutru… u pola šes, ustajem, odlazim u wc… kad ja pogledo, puna bašta vode… odkud voda, kiša nije padala… leto sunce grije avgust mesec… kad ja, septička jama se preljeva! ja ništ, otišo na telefon, zovem.. doćemo Savo danas!!
Feel the spirit in Brazil. The Spirit of Football Brazil Ball is making its way through schools and favelas in Brazil.
O João de Araraquara assinou a bola. Participe e assine você também! #SESC #araraquara #SOF2014
Spirit of Football’s workshops continue with SESC in Brazil:
Sábado (02/Março), estaremos no SESC – Araraquara com mais um dos nossos Workshops. Continue nos acompanhando e confira todas as informações sobre o evento!
Spirit of Football in Malawi with The Ball in 2010…
Queremos promover o amor pelo futebol e mostrar que ele une as pessoas e é feito para todos sem nenhum preconceito! :)
Imagem: Guilherme Derrico
The Ball 2010: Freestyle football genius Dan Magness broke the world record for continuously juggling a football. He did it in London of all places!
Before today there was a world record for juggling a football continuously. After today that record was shattered. The Ball went along for the ride that took…
“Can I look at The Ball?” – of course you can. The Ball 2010, the most signed ball of all time, makes an appearance at the Rot-Weiß Erfurt Kids Camp in Zella-Mehlis: