A Torpedo Zil ticket
The Russian translation of our trip:
Phil gets all arty with the digital camera (sorry Phil!) and debunks one of the myths of this trip at the same time (sigh):
Written by Christian Wach on Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
A Torpedo Zil ticket
The Russian translation of our trip:
Phil gets all arty with the digital camera (sorry Phil!) and debunks one of the myths of this trip at the same time (sigh):
Written by Christian Wach on Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
Actually, I like that shot – it captures the vibe of your Moscow football experiences; and it looks like an album inner sleeve! You should do one shot like that in each country i reckon. Also how about a photo record of the changing surface of the football too (re previous thread) – if you keep the composition consistent, you could animate it into one sequence of the football getting more and more worn and covered in signatures…
Sweet idea… will do!