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The Ball 2014'

Tag: NZ

A dip into the past

A dip into the past! Look at this #the_ball: While travelling through Central America, we found this picture from the very first football tournament in 2005. Do you recognize your soul mate from #NZ?

Spirit of Football e.V.

Was an Archiven so toll ist? Man findet so manche verschollene Dinge, wie diesen Schnappschuss aus dem Jahr 2005. Wir präsentieren das allererste SoF-Projekt in der #Thüringenhalle. Einer, auf dem Bild ist noch immer im Verein aktiv – Guess who?
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The Ball 2018 left England on 25th March 2018 and travelled to the World Cup in Russia.

The Ball 2014 kicked off from England on 9th Jan 2014 and headed to the World Cup in Brazil.

The Ball 2010 left England on 24th Jan 2010 headed to the Opening Ceremony in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Ball 2006 travelled from London to the Opening Ceremony in Munich, Germany.

The Ball 2002 was carried 7000 miles across Europe and Asia to the World Cup finals in Korea & Japan.